Piñjare meṃ pannā / Maṇi Madhukara. Naī Dillī : Rādhākr̥shṇa, 1981. From the University of Chicago Library.
पिंजरे में पन्ना Pinjre Mein Panna by मणि मधुकर Mani Madhukar.
Thanks to Terence and Sawaan for the translaton of this title: “Page in a Cage”.
At my very first glance, I thought that the lips were supposed to represent a व. Which probably would have made this a more interesting example. Oh well! There’s an idea for another book cover 🙂 I also am interested in seeing how different lettering artists approach conjuncts like न्न – in this example, it looks like the first न mark is about to fall off of the second न.
Hi sir i am a theatre artist from Jaipur Rajasthan, please tell me how can i get this book Pinjre Main Panna by Lt. Manimadhukar ji