About me

Erin McLaughlinThe collection is compiled by Erin McLaughlin, a typeface designer, font engineer, and consultant living in the USA. I specialize in creating new, quality fonts that support Indian scripts and languages.

*** As of Summer 2020, I’ve decided to upload all of these book cover images to my Flickr account, for easier viewing. Please check them out there! ***

I’ve been collecting images of lettering and type created by South Asian artists and designers as a way to learn more about the scripts, and to be inspired in my own work. Most of the images on this blog are photos I’ve taken of beautiful book covers of the 1960s-1980s from the fantastic collection at The University of Chicago.

Unfortunately, I am not a native speaker any of these South Asian languages, so I’m doing my best to transliterate and translate the text in the images I post. I encourage readers to post corrections and add comments whenever possible!

Submissions, suggestions, and corrections to my writing on the blog are always welcome!

And, if you’re up for a trip back through time, the old blog from 2007-2010 is still on blogspot.

Email:  hello@erinmclaughlin.com
Twitter: @Erin_Type
Instagram: Erin_Type
LinkedIn: Erin McLaughlin
Erin McLaughlin