Bāṅālira sāhitya / Bhabatosha Datta. Kalikātā : Aṇimā Prakāśanī, 1977. From the University of Chicago Library.
বাঙালির সাহিত্য Bangalir Sahitya by ভাবাতোষ দত্ত Bhabatosh Datta.
This is a Bengali literature book published in the late 70s. I am in love with this lettering! The chunkiness, the elimination of the top connecting line, the simplification of the loop and “blob” forms, the effort made to restrain the shape the outer-edges of each word, to achieve a closer relationship, the subtle curve of the ত্য to distinguish it from া, the slight halo of the yellow overprinting on the dark green… anyway, I’m just a little too excited. Lovely piece.