Jīpa para savāra illiyām̐ / [lekhaka] Śarada Jośī. Dillī : Rājakamala Prakāśana, [1971] From the University of Chicago Library.
जीप पर सवार इल्लियां Jeep Par Sawar Illiyan by शरद जोशी Sharad Joshi.
“Caterpillars riding in the Jeep” is a collection of comic satire writing, the title referring to government officials riding in their official vehicles. (These caterpillars are, of course, not the happy kind, but crop-devouring pests, so the title could also be translated as “Leeches riding in the Jeep”). The stories included touch on religion, politics, social life, and personal conduct. Sharad Joshi was a satirist, poet, writer, and script writer for Hindi films and television.
I love the lettering on this cover, both the title and the author’s name on the side of the jeep. I love when lettering artists take liberties with the Devanagari headline and break it up for a bit more spontaneity. The looped र and स are nice too.