Jet billboard

In Devanagari by HindiRinny2 Comments

Aaraam kaa pahalaa naam… Jet. Ganjii. Jaanghiyaa. Mozo.

आराम का पहला नाम
गंजी जांघिया मोज़ो
उ.प्र.  सरकार
दूरा (?)  प्रमाणित

सिर्फ क्वालिटी पसंद लोगो के लिए

Update! Translation provided by Joe Hill:
The first name of Leisure
Underwear – Underpants – Socks
Certified by the Uttar Pradesh Government (it says द्वारा, not दूरा)
Only for people who like quality

Jet underware billboard, Uttar Pradesh.

Image from Andreu Balius. Thanks!!



  1. Wow, cool stuff! Reminds me of home. The translation though is:
    The first name of Leisure
    Underwear – Underpants – Socks (मोज़े, not मोजो)
    Certified by the Uttar Pradesh Government (it says द्वारा, not दूरा)
    Only for people who like quality

    BTW, you have a really cool blog. 🙂

  2. Its not उ.प्र. सरकार दूरा (?) प्रमाणित…. Its उ.प्र. सरकार द्वारा प्रमाणित meaning, certified by U.P. Government.

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