হৃদয় এটা নির্জন দ্বীপ Hridoy Eta Nirjon Dweep, by নিৰুপমা বৰগোহাঞি Nirupama Baragohani.
This is an Assamese (also now called Asamiya/Ôxômiya) language book, printed and designed in Assamese script (which is actually a slightly modified version of Bangla script). Google’s rough Bangla translation of the title is “It is the heart of a deserted island” – not sure how close that is to the actual Assamese, though, as I understand that the languages are more dissimilar than the scripts.
The author, Nirupama Borgohain, is an award-winning journalist, novel and short story writer. As a journalist and activist, she stood up for the rights of migrants who were being persecuted in her state, and continued her legacy through her novels, which reflect her feminist ideology. More here.
I love how integrated the lettering style is with the illustration – great line quality and composition. Nice!